Dr. Edwin C. Doe
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
My name is Dr. Edwin C. Doe, D. C. I have been actively practicing
Chiropractic since 1969 when I went into practice with my father,
Dr. Edwin W. Doe, Jr., D.C.
I spent most of my childhood in Point
Pleasant Beach, NJ, which is about two blocks from the Atlantic
Ocean. I am 54 years old, a war baby, as I was born two weeks after
World War II ended, and I live with my lovely wife, Karen, at 210
Central Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, 08742. You might say I have
come full circle.
On September 26, 1945, I was born in Neptune, New Jersey. I then lived in Spring Lake until December 1945, when our family moved to Indianapolis, Indiana so that my father could attend Lincoln Chiropractic College.
He graduated in 1949 and we moved back to New Jersey, living in Spring Lake Heights. We then moved to nearby Point Pleasant Beach, where I went to elementary school and high school.
After graduating high school in 1963, I attended
Rutgers University in New Brunswick, and then went on to Lincoln Chiropractic
College where I graduated in 1968 with a BS in Human Biology and a DC in
Chiropractic. I passed the New Jersey Medical Board in 1969 and immediately
started practice with my father in July 1969 at 332 River Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach. And recently -- in July 1998 -- I moved my practice to its present location
at 1101 Richmond Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey.
Two weeks before I graduated Chiropractic College, I enlisted in the
Navy Reserves as I had a sneaky suspicion that the Army was ready to
grab me after I graduated, and I was right. One week after graduation,
I got my induction notice. I did my Boot Camp in Memphis, Tennessee
and was one of the 90 day wonders. My specialty was emergency equipment,
ie. Oxygen Systems, Liquid Oxygen (LOX), and fire extinguishers on
helicopters where I was put to work on helos in NAS Lakehurst, NJ
for 6 years as an enlisted man. I started as an AME (Emergency Equipment
Technician), went to ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician), flew as a
sonobuoy operator and a radar operator on a S2E Submarine Detection
Aircraft out of Lakehurst until 1974 when I received an Honorable
Discharge from the Navy as an E-6(First Class Petty Officer). We did
two-week tours in Jacksonville, Florida, Norfolk, Virginia and
Providence, Rhode Island. I came within 24 hours of being shipped to
Vietnam during the Crisis, but my orders were canceled at the last minute.
I was married on August 8, 1970 to Karen Alice
Brown, formerly of Bernardsville, NJ, and we subsequently had four beautiful children and two grandchildren.
My first son, Edwin C. Doe, Jr, MD, a practicing Pediatrician at National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, and Lieutenant in the Navy, is presently
doing a 3 year fellowship in neonatology there. He will be putting his Lieutenant Commander bars on next summer. He and his lovely wife Jennifer have given us our
second grandson, Ryan Christopher Doe on February 14, 2003. He was 6 pounds 10.5 ounces and 19.5 inches long. Jennifer is a practicing pediatrician in Potomac Valley, Maryland, very close to Bethesda, where she has joined a pediatric group.
My first daughter, Lisa Ellen Doe Arthur, DMD, went to Douglas College, New Brunswick, NJ, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida and Washington State University where she received a BS in biology. She has since finished four years at UMDNJ in Newark, NJ and is presently at Morristown Hospital for one year, actively practicing Dentistry. She and her husband Benjamin Arthur, who is a Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Salesman, reside in Maplewood, NJ. In December, 2000, they presented us with a beautiful grandson named Cole Scripture Arthur.
My second daughter Stephanie Leigh Doe is a lawyer, graduated from Seton Hall Law School, Newark, NJ on June 2. 2003. She graduated from West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Her fiance, Patrolman Michael Polaski, is a police officer in Washington Township, NJ. Their wedding is set for October 10, 2003.
My son Christopher F. Doe, who is in 9th grade at Point Pleasant Beach High School, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. He is a drummer in the school band and is aspiring to be a neurosurgeon.
We have a 5 year old female boxer named Molly who will lick you to death with kindness.
I became interested in computers about fifteen years ago when one of my
patients mentioned that he had one. I, being curious, asked him about
it, and he invited me over to see it. Well, needless to say, I was
hooked. The following Monday, I bought an Apple IIe and taught myself
the DOS language over the next 6 months. I then graduated to the
Apple IIGS, and enjoyed that for a while. I joined a couple of
Computer Clubs. That was when IBM exploded onto the market with Windows.
I made a decision and switched to the IBM side of computing. I started
with a 286 12 MHZ and thought I was flying on a jet compared to the
Apple. Subsequently, I have upgraded to a 386, 486 (66 MHz and
100 MHz), Pentium 166, Pentium II 333 MHz and finally last weekend to
a Pentium III 450 MHz with a 20 Gigabyte Hard Drive. Now, it once more
flies like a jet! It just shows you that everything is relative.
I started an Apple Computer Club 12 years ago and we had monthly meetings
which I enjoyed tremendously. Then, when I switched to the IBM world,
I started a CD-ROM Preview Club which still meets monthly at my office
to preview new CDs on the market and make recommendations as to whether
or not to buy them.
I have been interested in cryptograms, any puzzle types for that matter,
for the last 20 years, off and on. I stumbled onto the Cryptographer
site about 16 months ago and got rehooked. They have software, for free,
that make solving cryptograms much more fun. All of you should try it.
It also has a timer on it and other features which I haven't even tried
yet. I do a daily quote in the morning and, on Sunday, I look forward to
John's new cryptogram. Some are easy and some very challenging. You
never know what you are going to get. Sometimes even easy ones are
hard depending on how you are mentally feeling at the time. I enjoy
John's site and our little repartee after I have sent him the solution.
I would like to give all of you the cryptogram site, so that at least you
can try it. Also, I have a professional site, Lay-person's site and my
site for the CD-ROM Preview Club which I will give you at the end.
Cryptograms are a lot of fun for all ages. Even my son, Christopher,
does them. My nickname is Loki; so if you see it on the top ten of
the Cryptogram site, you will know who it is. Unfortunately, I don't
appear there too often, but I am getting better little by little. I hope
all of you enjoy these cryptograms as much as I do. John is a very
gracious host and I am glad that I can call him my friend. Have a nice
Holiday to all.
Edwin C. Doe, D. C.
The sites I mentioned above are:
Cryptograms: Click here
CD-ROM Preview Club: Click here http://www.
Lay-Person's Site: Click here (then go to Chiropractor)
Professional Site: Click here

My wife Karen and I in Washington DC
This will introduce you to our new grandson, Cole Scripture Arthur.
Cole was born on December 1, 2001 at 11:23AM.
He weighed in at 9 pounds, 4 ounces with a length of 21 inches.

1/12/2003: Here's a couple taken of Cole's 1st birthday:

This is our new grandson, Ryan: